Tuesday 28 February 2012

just what i'm learning

emotions are based on what your believe about a situation..

if you feel overwhelmed, you believe that the situation is to much for you to handle..
but you need to find out the truth

"...God is faithful...he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. 
But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it..."

so the thought that you cannot handle it is a LIE..the truth is that God will never give you too much and thats what you need to base your feelings on

if you feel sad because you feel alone
"...i will never leave you nor forsake you.."

if you feel worried you don't believe that God is going to look after you
read Job 38...he is MUCH more capable than you realise

if you dont know where your future is
"...for i know the plans i have for you...declares the Lord..plans to prosper you and not to harm you"
jeremiah 29v11

negative emotions are not from God...you need to find the truth..believe it..and your actions and then emotions will follow..

if you feel hopeless, your actions will reflect that and you will believe that there is nothing good for you and therefore that God is not good..which isn't the truth

if you feel ugly and worthless you will believe that God feels that too...its a LIE..the truth is that you were fearfully and wonderfully made (psalm 139v14) and God has good things for you (luke11v13)

find the truth...base your identity, and actions on that.
read your bible
know that your emotions are subject to your beliefs

connect with people..send an email
share! good or bad...let light into dark places

next to me

You won’t find him drinking at the table
Rolling dice and staying out til 3
You won’t ever find him being unfaithful
You will find you will find him next to me
You won’t find him trying to change the devil
For money fame power out of grief
You won’t ever find him where the rest go
You will find him find him next to me

You will find him you’ll find him next to me

When the end has come and buildings falling down fast
When we spoilt the land and dried up all the sea
When everyone’s lost their head all around us
You will find him you’ll find him next to me 
Never in my life have i met someone like him
I’m blown away by his love for me
If you ever wonder where it is you’ll find him
You will find him you will find him next to me

When the moneys spent and all my friends have vanished
And I can’t seem to find no help or love for free
I know there’s no need for me to panic
Cause I’ll find him I’ll find him next to me 

When the skies are grey and all the doors are closing 
And the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe
All i need is a helping hand to stop the tears from 
I will find him will find him next to me

Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
You will find him you’ll find him next to me

Wednesday 22 February 2012

twenty second of february two thousand and twelve

well my 21st birthday and the first day of lent seems an appropriate time to return to my blog, life has been crazy busy and i've been challenged and pushed and joyful.

i am leanring to enjoy life
this year, has been incredible, and judging by the way my 21st birthday went, the year to come is going to be eventful
God has a plan for your life that is bigger than anything you could possibly imagine,
if you can accomplish your dream by yourself, without the help of God..you need to dream bigger!!
he created you for a purpose, read your bible and spend time with him to find out what it is!
stop reading books and getting so wrapped up and sucked into theological and philosophical or cultural or church issues, when you die he won't about your opinion on all of the issues of the day; theological or not
he loves you madly and he wants you to tell the world about him
start small

very cheesy but very true
i am so blessed