Thursday 3 May 2012

don't be a prostitute

just re-posted two old blogs from last october cause they kinda relate to this one.

So i started reading Judges, and i love it!but came across this verse

"Yet they would no listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods.."
 as the previous blogs show, i really identify with this metaphor that we cheated on God that's used in Hosea.
I was reading about it in my Matthew Henry concordance and he says
"idolatry is spiritual adultery"

so i looked up in the dictionary the definition of 'prostitute' 
obviously the first one was to sell your body for sex, but the second definition was this 
"One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose"

God was royally annoyed because the Israelites were worthy of so much more than could they believe that something they created with their hands could be a god?!

you are WORTHY
you are worth Jesus, that's how much God paid for you
so don't prostitute yourself to popularity and material possessions
those things are not worthy of you, when the king of kings died to save your soul
don't give yourself or your God given talents to the things of this world when you are made for the kingdom of God
don't let these things rule you're life because you will be selling yourself short
you are worthy of God, put him first in all things
live like the royalty that you have been bought for
don't be a prostitute
cause you are loved and you were not cheap

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