Tuesday 12 April 2011

never be alone

i have the most ridiculous tan liness..furious..but its so lovely and warm here so i cannot complain..

last night we went for dinner with the pastor of the church that we're here with..they're so lovely..four little gorgeous kids...the youngest son is adopted and he knows, and they explain it to him like its how God adopted us into his family...just made me so happpyy..on the way home was just thinking how good God is and how happy i am..a Chris Tomlin song was on in the car, the amazing grace one..and the last verse is 
"The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine.." and my heart was just soo happy..forever mine..

God's just been teaching me so much aboout being humble and not putting on a front with people about how i'm doing..and its soo good to hear that other people are feeling the same things..had a good conversation with Bip about plastic christianity..when we pretend that we have everything sorted the world see's us....but when we show our brokeness they see Jesus...in Luke14v15-24 the parable of the banquet the rich and well off will not come because they are too busy and too proud so then the master tells his servant to go out and invite "..."the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame..."

its been so great hanging out with awesome families in lovely homes...just made me pretty excited to have a family and a home..and just love Jesus more and be a housewifeee..

this morning was just thinking about how people make promises that they'll never leave us..but they can't keep these promisess..but Jesus can..and i keeep putting my hope in people but then God gently reminds me that my hope needs to be in him alone...psalm42...

we went to a cupcakery today..it was the cutest thing ever..and the cupcakes were sooo good!!

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