Sunday 10 April 2011

sunny iowa..

so sitting outside on our host families porch..its like 70f and sunny...nice little breezee..
went for a walk today into the town..its so quiant i love it...loads of little vintage shops with cute things..Reminded me of some romantic things i like....

train stations (stole this from danielle)

just romantic..

listening to some lovely northern irish boys sing to lovely..

been reading Mark this week cause we've had quite a bit of free time...was reading Mark4v35 about when Jesus calms the storm..was thinking about it quite a the disciples go running to Jesus when he's asleep freaking out that that they're all going to die..was thinking, firstly that Jesus is God.soo although he was asleep he probably knew that there was a life..we go running to Jesus..going absolutely mental cause there's a 'storm..' and i just laughed..cause he knows!!Also Jesus' response is " still...have faith..."..And when things are crapp..and difficult..i feel like this is what Jesus tell still..spend some time, alone..with me...and have faith..because you are not the answer to this problem...I am..I am bigger than it and i am in control....God uses the storms to build our faith..when we are content in the season that God has us in, learn what he is trying to teach us, and have faith that he is our Saviour....

1 comment:

  1. thanks soph...needed to read that right now :) love you
