Saturday 28 January 2012


last week i had a panic
last monday night actually
i freaked out because in 4 months i finish university, and i know what God wants me to do with my life, but i'm not sure when or how.
I'm not sure what to do when i graduate
it's a trust issue
God i know you have a plan, but i want to know what that plan is
like that will make a difference.
so i prayed..make me trust you.
tuesday morning, i slept in.
i had to be in Bradford at 9:30
it takes two hours to get there
i woke up at 8:30
i rushed to get ready and phoned a taxi to take me to the train station,
it was gonna be 20 minutes for a taxi
i was going to be an hour late
i was standing on the street waiting for the taxi praying out loud like a crazy person
that the train would be delayed or the traffic wouldn't be bad
taxi arrived,
chatty taxi man...nightmare..
i explained i had slept in and was late..
he was like oh, how much is your train..i said 6quid..
he said and its 5 pounds to the station yea?
i said yea..
he said, "i'll take you to Bradford for 11 quid.."
i nearly kissed him
i arrived at 9:30 on the dot.

as i sat in the office and waited for the people i was meeting to arrive,
i heard
"i've got this morning, down to the very last minute and the chatty taxi driver, 
i've got the rest of this year.
trust me..."

thank God for sleeping in.

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