Friday 13 April 2012

last night was at the homeless ministry from our church, it's called Streetwise and it's ran by an incredible woman called Alison Beckwith and they've partnered with the hotel i work at, to provide sandwiches and soup for the ministry one Thursday a month..

so i just spent some time there, just hanging out..playing ping pong
met a guy who used to be in the army and was stationed in Northern Ireland in Tyrone, now he's homeless
met a guy who may need his leg amputated because he's been sleeping rough so long
met some young lads who have run away..

and then they left, they get something to eat, have a chat and leave
then i got really angry
homelessness, issues like KONY2012...child soldiers, sex trafficking...
what the frick?

like i just don't get it...God made us this beautiful world and filled it with beautiful amazing people and we wrecked it
we broke some of the hearts he gave us
the night after i watched the KONY video i had to sleep on my bedroom floor because i felt horrifically guilty that i have a bed
and we have the cheek to ask God how he let this happen?
how did YOU let this happen??
i don't get it and i don't know what i'm meant to do with these feelings

when did we get so damn apathetic toward need?
as a human race when did we get ok with it?
and now, how do we fix it?

i am sure the answer is the local church, community, family...

but sometimes it doesn't help my heavy heart, i spend time with those people, i show them they are valued by serving them, by getting them a cup of tea because they are so so precious to my God
but how are they meant to believe me when they walk out the door, back to the street to be abused by drunk people coming out of nightclubs at 3am?

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