Friday 13 April 2012

the goodness of my God

the past few mornings i haven't been getting up early enough to spend time with God before work or before I go to the library...
this morning, i slept in and was late for work
that's how much God wants me to spend time with him, enough to make me late for work
tomorrow, i will make time first thing

he is jealous for me
do you get what that means?like he's gonna get pissy if you make other stuff more important than him!
he wants to be the first person i spend time with in the morning, and i want him to be too
sometimes i lack the discipline, and in that i am thankful for grace!cause it makes no difference to how much he loves me
but cause Jesus is the most important thing, in my life..i want him to be the first thing on my mind when i wake up
i want my first interaction to be with him so all my other interactions are coloured with him
if he is the most important thing in your life, he should get the most effort

and when your having one of those days, where you have a short attention span and keep walking into things and making a mess..
just stop, get some paper and a pen and pray
he is jealous that your not making time for him
and he's gonna keep distracting you untill you do

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