Tuesday 30 August 2011

spoilt rotten

where i live there is a LARGE christian community..
there are a lot of churches and a lot of church goers
the divide between christians and non christians is worse than chalk and cheese..
more like cheese and a unicorn.
neither crosses into the others territory
if there is a meeting across the great divide its 'coffee' in which we ask a series of patronizing and meaningless questions which neither encourage, inspire nor point toward Christ
because the chasm of supposed principles is never crossed, us 'christians' are rarely challenged
rarely questioned
rarely humiliated
rarely forced to fight for our beliefs
to fight for our rights to believe in whatever we want
and this has lead to spoilt rotten christians
there is no community because it is not necessary,
inter-church divides are absolutely accepted because you may as well
we do not have to fight for one another
because you don't have to
we don't have to be held accountable
if someone challenges you, you move on to another group, another clique
some of what i have witnessed this summer had brought me and several friends to the realization that it is very easy to be a christian in Bangor, it is very hard to love Jesus in Bangor
reminded me why i found it oh so difficult to be a 'Christian' here
a severe lack of commitment that leaves every body emotionally drained
a draw to celebrity and popularity like a moth to a light.
take heed that the moth dies
we are not loyal to anyone
we become obsessed with one or two or a group
we put them on a pedestal
we raise them in some kind of sick social ladder
and more often than not they don't feel the same level of 'friendship'
which leads to jealousy, pettiness and possessive behavior when new friends are made or old friends are remembered
we are not loyal because we don't have to be
we are lazy
we lie and cheat
we judge actions without finding out the feelings behind them
we are jealous and insecure
we bitch
we condemn and label
we pick and choose
we choose favorites
we choose the crush
stop taking eachother for granted
appreciate the friends you have
a facebook comment is not a relationship
and when it is not back up by love or an effort it is meaningless
grow together
grow in Christ
there is no social standing
all are equal
all are fallen
all are loved
remember the bigger picture
having a social calender that is enviable is not the goal
we are not here to have fun
we are here to love God and love people.
fight for eachother

my priorities were becoming slightly selfish
my time, my life, my dreams
nu uh.
Jesus, all for Jesus...all i am, all i have and all i ever hope to be..
80 years here is nothing compared to the eternity that awaits you and the scary thing is that it is entirely in your hands where you go, how you spend it and the rewards you will gain there
the souls of the non christians are also on our heads...
be obediant in the nudge you feel from God to share your faith and share your Jesus.
i don't want my friends to go to hell.

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