Tuesday 6 March 2012

heaven is my home

"do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in an steal
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.."

what you spend your money on, that is what holds you
what holds you, moulds you
so i stopped buying clothes..
my friends are getting married next week, so i've made a dress for it instead, and the 50 quid i would have spent on an outfit goes in savings for a halfway home

i bought clothes because i wanted to look good, i wanted people to like me and i always have thought that people were my friend because i look ok..
it was about acceptance

so the learning behind this all is two fold
firstly, if people only like me because of what i wear...then im not interested in being their friend
secondly, these clothes mean nothing to Jesus..
for a while i really wanted an iphone...i don't know why cause i'm dire with technology..but i did.
and i'm really stuck in Galations at the minute..God's just keeping me there, can't stop reading it!but Gal2v20
"i no longer live, but Christ lives in me..."
i couldn't help but think that if Jesus was here today, i don't think he would have an iphone..he probably would have a nokia 3310. as long as he could use it to connect with people i don't think he would care

some people say "you can live a porche lifestyle if you can give a porche lifestyle.."
so like if you can spend that much on a car you need to be able to give that much as well
but maybe if you could, you should give the amount of two porches and have a second hand ford fiesta?
you can't take a porche to heaven
there will be something much better there anyway!

whats the point of having nice clothes and a fast car and an 46 inch tv?
one day your gonna die and go to heaven and Gods gonna ask, what did you do for my kingdom?
i work with young people who have sticky fingers, and i've had to learn that if they nick a tenner or my phone, or laptop..that its not the end of the world.
those things don't give me purpose in life
i would rather they did steal my phone and then i could forgive and love them anyway and show them a little glimpse of Jesus
than hide all of my possessions from them and have them think i don't trust them or love them
showing Jesus to a young person with out hope...thats my purpose

what's more important?
this world or the next?

"money is just something you have incase you don't die tomorrow"
give more than you can afford to and live in faith
allow God to do a miracle
he has promised to provide for you

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