Friday 30 March 2012


God has a purpose for your life

purpose:The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

we were created to glorify and worship God, to point to him
if you knew the purpose that God intended for you, it would blow your mind because i guarantee its much much more than working a 9-5, getting married, having kids, maybe being a leader at youth on a Friday night 
yea you may do those things, and that isn't wrong...
but his purpose will look more like leading a generation of young people to rise up, or setting captives free, or feeding the hungry, to be a friend to the friendless
maybe its just being the one person who speaks a positive word into someones life
maybe its to be an encourager

you have power and you have a God on your side who wants to change this world through you!
there is an army rising up
an army that isn't so much about fighting, but about going behind the enemies lines, and looking after the injured

don't be afraid
be excited
don't just raise awareness, get your hands dirty
get planted in your church and serve
that was your purpose
go and play scrabble with the older people in your church - they have so much wisdom
they are whole people, they still have dreams and desires for their lives
show them that we are not a lost generation,
we are a found generation and we are planted and we are growing
we have broken the chains
and we don't care so much

we will fight negativity because that is never from God
we will fight fear with hope
worry with faith
doubt with promises never broken
disappointment with love
lack with plenty
need with sustenance

live like Ephesians 3v20 is tattooed on your forehead
Now to him 
who is able to do 
immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine
according to his power 
that is at work within us

when you come up against a wall, say it out loud
i give this to God, who is able to do so much more than i can, more than i can even imagine and his power is in me
declare it in your heart and over your friends
break the walls down
when you see Satan attack, which he will, tell him to piss off cause you are able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE THAT YOU CAN IMAGINE
than he can imagine, he can't imagine, he can't bring about any truth or new or original thought - he is only lies
and you'll hear his lies in your head
i can't do that
they'll never be saved
i can't be different
lies...and the best bit is, the opposite is the TRUTH
you can do it
they can be saved
and you are different
Satan is scared of you, scared of all the ground your gonna take for the kingdom of light
scared of all the hearts your gonna save
listen to the whispers of heaven, listen to the truth

align your heart with the purpose of heaven
read your bible, it will change your life 
learn the scripture that tells the truth about who you are and where you are going.

be inspired by Jesus
feel your heart race as you walk in the light, bask in the truth and acknowledge that you are cherished
and pass it on

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