Thursday 22 March 2012

totes mainstream

there is no such thing as cool
and if there is, its completely subjective
cool was invented by our 14 year old selves
Jesus wasn't cool and now loving Jesus isn't cool
we create this strange social ladder and 'rate' oursleves and others around us
by what we wear or who we hang out with or the music we listen to
not long ago i was completely submersed in this
i wanted so bad to be cool, then i wanted so bad to be a cool christian
you know what really isn't cool?
broken people
even less cool?
washing their dirty feet
its not cool to say hello to someone you don't know and have that first awkward conversation
i'm really bored of cool
bored of exclusivity and favouritism
bored of people wh are too cool to make an effort
condescending and proud
people who think they're better than others
bet your reading this thinking "thats not me"
but it is!its me too
there are some people, that i have to push so hard to make an effort with
the world wants nothing to do with them, they are less than nothing, they are labelled
"hard to reach"
"care leaver"
"young offender"
i flippin love them
i am so humbled by them
they are so precious to Jesus
as are the hipsters and the indie kids and the mainstreamers

so pull your head out of your arse and go love some people
stop caring so damn much about what people think

John 13v1-17 Jesus washes the disciples feet
"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet"

because Jesus knew he belonged to God, He knew the power was with God and not with anything or anyone of this earth, he didn't care about humbling himself in this way. He didn't care what people would say, he just wanted to wash some dirty feet.

i am called to wash dirty feet, to love people back to life.

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