Tuesday 1 February 2011

first successful cup of tea

just made a cup of tea which actually tasted like proper teaa..the other day we bought a kettle from this place that sells stuff cheap cause the boxes are damaged..an Amish girl served us there!!so the kettle helped..happyy..

Think I've finally recovered from snow camp in New York..it was soo funny..On the friday night we went rollerskating and i have actually never laughed so hard in my life..Jill was secretly good at it!!But me and Tina were shocking..but it was so funny..At one point on Saturday donuts were being launched from huge catupults..And the boys from the youth group dressed up as amish women and wore coffee filters on there heads for bonnets..hilarious.Although perhaps the message being preached was slightly turn or burn it was effective and alot of our kids decieded they wanted to make good descisions in Christ it was very emotional..I was so nervous about going cause i'd only met one girl from the youth group but they were all so lovely, such a blessing..

Yesturday morning i was really sadd, it was dan's birthday and it was sad not to be in Leeds for it and also upset about relationships from home and just regrets..but we went to Daily Grind and while Tina and Jill where in the leadership meeting i just sat and read and i felt so much better after itt..And then Travis talked a little about it in the staff meeting about Joy, and how you have to find joy in everything cause so much of it is out of our control so it makes no sense to sit in despairr..Learning alot about Joy in Christtt..i love ittt!!!!Realising that i just have to claim it..

The three books i'm reading right now are all quite linked which is nice, Redeeming Love, The Grace Exchange and Romans are all about how no matter what we do God will love us just the same. and also Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him."  We actually looked at this verse last week in Biblical Training..its very reassuring but alsooo when we were talking about it we realised that even when we make mistakes..as we often do..the God will use that for good!!Prettyy exciting i think...

So yea..meeting lots of people and still learning so much..feel like there is alot to take it and its a little over whelming but its good..its so healing and encouraging..i love it..already dreading going back to Leeds!!!3 months is not long enoughhh..

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