Thursday 10 February 2011

if i could speak to the amazonian tribes; understand their clicks and whistles but was too proud to show respect toward their culture i may as well be a foghorn sounding on a ship far from the atlantic coast

if i could tell you of God's glorious plan for your life and explain the pain and suffering in your past but did not have the patience to help you grasp these details, i may as well be a gypsy tea reader feeding you fantasies of a tall dark stranger

if i had the cure for AIDS but did not have kindness or goodness in my heart, i would be in the same place as King Lear when he proclaimed with agony 'i am nothing'

if i let a homeless family have my house, my possessions and my bank account, moved to communist laos for missionary work and was martyred but boasted about my self sacrifice it would give no glory to God

love is accepting that people struggle and waiting for them to have victory in Jesus Christ

love is not just creating a world and people in it, but giving those people eyes and a sunrise to adore, taste to see that the Lord is good, a nose to smell, flowers with scent and coffee beans with aroma's, touch to hold a new born baby or shake the hand of a cancer patient and ears to hear the symphony of life..if music be the food of on

love does not wish to be better than the beloved, love will do anything to help the beloved be better

love does not brag about how devoted it is

love does not parade relationships or name drop, love is humble in the privilege of friendships

love never makes someone the butt of a crude joke, never eats with its mouth open or urinates in public

love gives up its seat on the bus no matter how long the journey is, and talks to the smelly kid

you can poke love many times in the ribs before it will break your fingers

love is writing the wrongs committed against you on toilet paper, using it and then flushing it

love does not delight in one night stands, violent video games, getting wasted, or eating all of the chocolate

love rejoices in knowing that the cherubim sing when we are saved, a human man, the incarnation of Christ, sweat very drops of blood in fear of taking our punishment and did it anyway and one day i'll meet Peter, the rock of the church

love is is standing in defense of your best friend against a snake, making sure everyone is wearing sun cream and facing the bully head on

love trusts unfailingly where trust is built; despite rumours, malicious words and trying behaviour

love believes in the pure in the prostitute, the peace in the kid with attention deficit disorder, and hope for the car crash victim

love will never give up on the drug addict who just can't quit, because one day, they will, love will not give up on the alcoholic no matter if they cannot go one minute with out a stiff drink, love will not give up on the abuser no matter how many times they lose their temper

love never fails

1 comment:

  1. love this. and love the gifts God has given you and love that you enjoy it as well! oh and i love you! and what God is doing! all very exciting! be encouraged sopey! :)

    you are a beautiful shining star.
    who has a lot of love to give. and deserves the best because you are a daughter of God!

    GO TEAM!
