Monday 6 June 2011

amazing grace

that which we do not deserve
when your plans get cancelled
when you cant sleep at night
a long walk you didn't want
someone who steps out of your life
Gods call to your heart
he arranges to spend time with us, no distractions
he brings things to the forefront of our mind when our heads on a pillow
he gives us time to think as our feet move us forward
he allows us to put him first when we have no one else
we deserve to have busy schedules ALWAYS
to watch crap on 4OD till 2am, wake up at 12 the next day and rush about only to repeat in the next 24hr period
a lift in a car with Radio 1 on mind numbling loud so you can do nothing else but sing along
that special someone who owns all of our heart
we deserve nothing more than ourselves
we deserve to die alone and surface level happy
and spend the rest of forever by ourselves

the world tells us we want these things!
you deserve it
put yourself first..

grace saves us from ourselves
grace gives us nothing when we want something so we learn that only God satisfies
grace gives us nobody when we want anybody so we catch on that Jesus is all we need and what we're here for
grace gives us darkness when we want light to build our character
grace gives us no clues when we want to know what's going on so we can trust him
grace gives us time when we are told that if you're not busy you're wasting time so that we know that Jesus wants to spend time with us
grace causes your day to fall to pieces so you know, in future, God must be first, first thing in the morning
grace will bring THE MOST IRRITATING PEOPLE into your day so you can practice some grace
grace will make you have a bad hair day so you realised that image will not make you fall more in love with Jesus
grace will show you eternity and let you choose.

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