Monday 13 June 2011

having a bad day?

have you been betrayed by one of your closest friends for money, tried and found guilty of no crime, stripped in public and whipped until the skin came off your back, had a crown of thorns pressed into your scalp in the most mocking of fashions, nails hammered through your hands and feet, left to hang by those wounds beside two criminals while your mother cries at your feet, watched soldiers gamble for your clothes, had your father, the God of the universe, turn his back on you, there is no martyrs glory here, taken the sin and guilt of every human being, every disgusting thought and selfish action and then died?

then you don't know the meaning of a bad day
stop making excuses
stop blaming unloving behaviour on trivial things of this world...
although yes we hurt and yes things go wrong in our eyes 
but God loves us and God is in control..
so when i think about his magnitude and my pitiful life...
is having a bad day really a good enough excuse?

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