Monday 20 June 2011

i choose this

if you follow me on twitter or have me as a friend on facebook then you will have noticed me ranting about a gig i went to last night, David Ford in The Empire..with Duke Special and Phil Jupitus!it was the most incredible night of my life...
Although David Ford is quite anti religion, and generally quite cynical, nor would he probably appreciate me saying this...but the gig just left me in awe of God and his goodness and how beautiful he just blown my mind and reminded me how very very good my God is...human beings are so beautiful, and i don't just mean white teeth and shiny hair but souls and talent..I have never seen such passion, i genuinely could just cry when i think about David Ford singing..he was just right there giving it all he had...climbing all over this gorgeous stage singing about how this world has broken his heart. 

I have had one other moment like this, in America when Jill sang You're Beautiful by Phil Wickham...just gives me shivers!

Appreciate the beauty of a human being..
Francis Chan talks about all the different kinds of amazing..not the physical but the spiritual..the part that gives love and has faith and feels hope and breaks when its crushed..

So embarking on a different season in my life, which is very exciting..i know its going to be difficult but I'm actually looking forward to some turmoil...i think its when we are at our lowest we know with up most certainty that God is love. 

Been thinking about Ecclesiastes3v11
"he has set eternity in the hearts of men.."

i have an eternity shaped hole in my heart
that no one can fill
no one could handle that pressure.
God WANTS to be that
he is the eternity shaped peg
when i try to put a human shaped peg in there my heart breaks
God breaks it
to prove me wrong
time and time again
cause keeep doing it!
but he isnt breaking my heart to be spiteful
its grace
grace breaks it then puts it back together the right way and leaves this huge gaping hole right in the middle for my God to come and fill

"i see your face in every sunrise
the colours of the morning are inside your eyes
the world awakens in the light of the day
i look up to the sky and say
You're beautiful..."

God is beautiful..
not in this very pitiful aesthetic way in which we surmise beauty in waist size and skin tone
but in this all powerful breath taking punch to the stomach
that winds me completely when i see an english man singing about his travels and realise that
God loves him and he doesn't even know..
then i realise God loves me
he made the world
ex nihilo               out of nothing
and he is in love with me.
he thinks i am beautiful
and he's watched over 4 million sunrises from the top of everest and the bay of bengal..

my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness

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