Monday 20 June 2011

i wana spend the rest of my life alive

we are all like Eve
we have everything we need and much much much more
we have churches a plenty, house groups, drop ins, coffee shops, bibles, podcasts and ipods, wealth beyond our wildest dreams, God TV, worship leaders, good friends and incredible friends, free speech, free time
but we want that apple, the forbidden fruit
something that loooks amazing but God has said no.
we want what we are not allowed
and we reach for it
and the second our grubby little hand reaches up for that ever so shiny fruit
we fall
sometimes we go right on ahead and eat the whole bloody thing
sometimes we realise and see the little wires coming from the apple leading to the count down clock
but we still reached
i didn't trust God and i got proud
Eve fell for all of us
i always want something i cant have
the rebellious teen syndrome
when i reach for what God has prohibited, i fall away from his love and his plan
and 11 times out of 10 the apple doesn't just have a worm in it, but a nuclear bomb
that destructs my relationships, my focus and my identity
and then when i am lying in this pit of self pity (otherwise known as my bed, listening to Damien Rice)
blaming everyone but myself, i am 20th Century child after all, i don't know the meaning of integrity
God somehow sees fit to remind me of what things were like before the apple, before the nuclear bomb of sin
and that i can have that again with not even so much as a tick of a reminder.
wiped clean
it will happen over and over
we will disobey
and God will stand like a parent on the sidelines screaming at us "NOO GO THE OTHER WAY.."
but of course we don't, we rarely do
and don't get all uppity when you look back on the times you were obedient; cause you couldn't have done it with out the Holy Spirit anyway..
without him we will always make the wrong choice
with him, sometimes we get to make the right one..
be obedient
He's got a plan you know

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