Sunday 29 May 2011


"turn your eyes upon Jesus." DO IT.

seriously, we should be encouraging each other to focus on him...look full in his wonderful face..i highly doubt I'll be able to look Jesus in the face without bawling..imagine how amazing...
today i was emailing Ashley about those verses in Acts17...and i said Paul was a babe..and he is a babe...and i said i hope the word babe exists in heaven cause i am totally gonna tell Paul he's a babe..

At least 20 times a day my thoughts go places they shouldn' I'll start counting the calories in my food, or worry about what I'm wearing, or over analyse every conversation I've ever had and wonder if she was calling me a bitch?!and then i realise....Jesus...hahahahaa..and the things of this world do grow dim..but I'm not sure its all that strange because in the light of his beauty and could i possibly worry about anything so could i even think about myself at all?!

ever had this conversation?
"i wish Jesus would just come back like right now"
"oh well thanks alot"

the other persons like mad that you would rather be with Jesus?
well i wont apologise. i would rather spend 1 day with him that a thousand with you. no offense. but he's the love of my life...there's nothing i want more than him...
the only reason i wana put off meeting him, is cause i wana do more stuff for his i have more crowns to give back to him..cause right now my works are pitiful...

if Jesus came back now would you be disappointed?

obviously relationships in this world are important but they aren't permanent!me on this earth is literally like a blink to God...not even cause he doesn't even do time..ha..
I am so very very very thankful that he has stolen my heart...he has it all..


1 comment:

  1. yaaay for Jesus to come back soon...all bout that!

    and we have been singing Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus at each seize the summer concert and at church this morning. :) love it!
    God is doin something!
