Tuesday 24 May 2011

some things i have been learning

i just love when you forget how important Jesus is and then remember all of a sudden and its like this joy bubbling inside my heart when i think how mad he is about me and about you and just how much he would do for me..Obviously its not great that i forget but the remembering bit is just worth it....

I've just been living in the verse 2Corinth12v9
"...But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me..."

i am so weak and i have nothing and God is happy. When i recognize that i cannot do this myself that's when there is room for God to move in my life and my heart...

"invading all my weakness;
You wrap me up in grace...
the worst of me succeeded by the best of you...
so i lay me down..
for Kingdom come
Steal all that is within me

God uses the weak, pathetic, useless to prove how MASSIVE WONDERFUL AND GRACIOUS he is...

do you ever get a little taste of Gods glory and it just leaves you so desperate for Him...
I am desperate for Jesus..i don't want anything if it wont bring me closer to him..I love the idea of God stealing all that is within us..Cause i think sometimes he has to nick things out from underneath me so that for a minute I'm left breathless, like I'm falling and then i remember that He's God for flip sake, firstly he can do whatever he likes and secondly sometimes he needs to take things away and knock me off balance to remind me that i HAVE to lean on him and that he will ALWAYS catch me..always be there for me to lean on, sturdy as a concrete post reinforced with steel.

"Turn your face upon Jesus,
Look full in his wonderful face
and the things of this world will grow strangely dim
in the light of his beauty and grace.."

if you don't get it, if you don't want to..but you want to want to get it then ask...ASK!
Matthew7v11 is about how God wants to give good gifts...and whats the best gift?falling in entirely head over heels sweaty palms thought consuming love with Jesus...

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