Saturday 28 May 2011



"..for what i do is not the good i want to do; no the evil i do not want to do, this i keep on doing..."

this has been plaguing me...I keep getting so frustrated with my self when i do stuff wrong..i don't understand how even though God has every part of me, and i want nothing more that to please him..i still do stuff wrong all the time!and then i feel so ashamed..and i apologise and then its fine...but why couldn't i have just not done it in the first place?

if God hates sin, and i sin near enough can he still love me?

and i think I've FINALLY realised an answerr..

ok so these are like old school scales, which ever side is heavier sits lower down and when the weight is equal, they are balanced and stay at the same height...
On one side there's sin...and on the other side there's Gods love. 
The side with the love in, is like touching the ground, its so heavy...
the side with sin in is waaaay up in the air.....
my point....our sin will NEVER equal or outweigh Gods love.....the magnitude is too great...
and yes he hates sin....but it is our flesh that sins...not to absolve responsibility..but his spirit is in us so he knows i don't want to sin....and so he hates my actions but not me

i think.

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