Wednesday 18 May 2011

cause its bigger than uss..

i, for once in my life, have a normal sleeping pattern!WOOO...this is up yesturday at like 8 and wasnt tired, no nap during the day and last night went to bed at like half ten, read for a bit then was asleep by like half 11, this morning up for gym at like 7 and i'm sweet!no nap, gym again tonight and then sleep..i am excited not to be tired or asleep all the time.ha

so just back from gym, waiting for danielle to get out of the to wear my new jogging bottoms.woo!

this is from a tumblr called just-littlethings..and if you ever forget how blessed you are you should find it, google it or something but its just a list of things that will put a smile on your face

so part2, bought some BRIGHT red lipstick today....interesting..

my devotions last night has sparked some thoughts in me...
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"

i just like that verse not sure how it overly relates to these thoughts but we shall see..
right...its horrible to be trapped in the constant worry about myself and my future etc, and the things that i want, and want NOW!By falling more and more in love with Jesus I've given, or try to daily, give over my will to him..And i have found that there is FREEDOM in knowing that i only want what God wants, because that is whats going to bring me the most joy and although what he wants might not be what my flesh wants, and might be difficult, it is what will build the character of Christ in me! I don't have to worry or stress or try to orchestrate my life, relationships or events because i love my Father and as long as i am constantly running to him - nothing else really matters. And what i have found, is that it is when 'nothing else' matters that, that 'nothing else' seems to be rather perfect :)
there is freedom in knowing that i won't get what i want!
there is peace!

went to see my knew house the other day with Danielle!its just lovely...little cottage for the two of us and D.W, Kelly and hevs are living like next excited to move out of Little London and away from the mandem.

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