Friday 20 May 2011


so booked my flights home today!decided to sack the last month of uni off cause two hours a week till the end of June was just ridic, and i have a job going homeo 1st of June..WOOO!

  do it....if you click on archive it shows them all at the same time so you don't have to click and scroll so often..
i always rub my eyes when I'm tired so i love that one..

these are just some pictures i like from my flatmates tumblr!

so when i talked about before how we have freedom cause we can rest in the fact that we don't need our will fulfilled, and we don't have control..been thinking that it also gives us freedom of image; being back in Leeds, being quite attacked about the way i look and just finding it really difficult not to let it get to me too much..but I've realised that the way i look doesn't matter and as long as my heart is seeking God then that is ALL THAT MATTERS..and if i look nice well that's OK but it won't mean anything in eternity...not saying that its wrong to care about how you look, but it can easily for me become too important; trying on everything i own and then having a bitch fit and proclaiming 'i'm not going out, everything i have is hideous... ' just to go to Morrison's for a food shop just isn't OK.thankfully i have Danielle to tell me to wise up and that I'm being a princess but still something i have to keep an eye on i think!
however i do wish it was sunny in Leeds so i could wear my new straw hat.......

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