Monday 21 November 2011

Diet Jesus

gonna try doing a blog a day for a bit..

so i have some Muslim mates at uni,
and we have some pretty interesting conversations as you can imagine..
and they can't get there head around Jesus' sacrifice..
they don't believe that God could sacrifice his son..especially the lads.
and i don't really get it either..
it doesn't make sense,
but i know it in my heart like the way i know in my head what i look like
i just know.
and it isn't my place to make it socially acceptable or politically correct
which also sucks cause some of my friends are gay..
and i love them, and they want me to fight with them for gay marriage rights..and i can't.
that really breaks my heart.
but i cannot take Christ and give him the morals or characteristics of a 21st Century human being
i cannot put Jesus on a diet so people will like him.
hey look how much weight Jesus has lost?
when we do that, we take away the weight of the sins of the world,
the weight of the sacrifice
you cannot take away the need for wrath and the given grace
they are heavy
do not put Jesus on a diet
do not put make up on him, to make him pretty and desirable
because you will cover his scars
what he did for us does not make sense,
and it is a fearful thing to kneel in front of the ruler of the universe with my wretched nature
but let that fear bring you to awe and love
be aware of how utterly sinful you are
and the fact that he still loves you.
why are we surprised when we tell people about God in our terms and they don't want to believe in him?
why are you surprised that people don't want to worship a God that you have turned into a care bear, that is all love peace hope joy and rainbows
and yes he is those things
but he is mighty
and he is full of wrath and jealousy
and people need to know that he wants them
Jesus doesn't tap people on the shoulder and whisper...'oh hey..sometime maybe, if you wana confess your sins, and stop bitching and drinking, you know, that'd be cool...'
no way.
he grabs them by the heart and soul and bellows
'You are sinful, the things you try to do for good are disgusting dirty rags, i hate sin and i hate lies and i hate greed..but i want you.ALL of you..not just sunday you..all. and i am worthy..and i demand obedience...and i love you.'

makes no sense.
but i know it.
and when i tell people about him
i have to tell all of it
there is hell and there is heaven and you have to choose.
its not nice,
but who wants nice?
there is no nice in love
there is only raw passion desire and a man hung on a tree

"Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom..
but we preach Christ crucified
a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.."

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