Thursday 24 November 2011

happy thanksgiving

Christians who complain alot, including myself
be thankful that you have a job instead of complaining about having to work, God has blessed you with it and the opportunity to earn money.
And if you hate it that much, quit.
be grateful that you can go to university, that you have a brain that can be filled with knowledge
appreciate that God has put challenging people in your life to help you grow. 
If they hurt you, express it, forgive them and move on
be content when you don't have alot of money that you do not live in poverty and are not controlled by the lust of possessions
be comfortable at nights in alone because God is calling to your heart to spend some time with him.

gurn up.
what is attractive about Christianity when you take for granted all of the blessings in your life?
it is ok to be upset sometimes, but perhaps if you spent some time being thankful for the place God has you and the people you could reach you would not be so focused on yourself.

Paul, in prison, in chains, persecuted said "i know what it is to be in need and i know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.." phil4v12-13
you can learn to be content with the 6am start, on your feet all day, mentally exhausting, nights in alone through Christ who will strengthen you in joy if you let him.

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