Tuesday 15 November 2011

kindly please get over yourself

so Matt Chandler uses this illustration when talking about how self focused we are..
a cat is fed, watered, walked and given affection and attention by its owner, 
and so thinks 'i am god'
a dog is fed, watered, walked and given affection and attention by its owner, 
and so it thinks 'my owner is god'

but it sent my mind off on a tangent
sometimes i think we have the mindset of a cat
but we are so far from the truth
our lives are not about us
the good things in my life are not about me
the bad things that happen are not about me
your job is not about you
where you live is not about you
your relationships are not about you
your free time is not about you
your church is not about you
you are not about you
you are to give glory to God
to point to him with hands raised in praise
and we all will say this with our mouths
"i am not the centre of the universe..my life is about God, about glorifying him"
but our actions scream 
if you truly believe your life was about God
if you knew that you exist to bring glory to God
would you talk about people when they are not there?
how does God get the glory here?
is this about God or you?
does this cause the world to see eternity in your heart?
would you refuse to face the problems?
would you lie?
would you complain?
would you put anything else above him?
would you be jealous?
would you feel crushed?
would you flirt?
would you hoarde your money?
would you not speak to people?
cause we don't say it out right, we just get annoyed when people don't put us first!
you would only build up and encourage
you would admit and talk through issues
you would rejoice no matter what
you would put God first in EVERYTHING
you would be happy for eachother
you would know your hope is in him
you would build each other up in brotherly/sisterly love
you would give freely
you would love everyone

from the city that you live it to the clothes on your back,
the thoughts in your head and the food in your tummy
are about giving the glory to God
the things you are blessed with, clothes, friendship, a job..are great and they give us joy but it doesn't stop there.
they are a means to an end
he blesses us so we praise him
so praise him
the hurt, the illness, the broken heart, the weakness...
are hard and i am not belittling that
but they are they to show the world that God comes first 
and even in these situations we praise and we say thank you

so kindly please get over yourself.
it isn't about you and it never will be
life is alot simpler when it is about God
i find my cares to be very much shrunken when the creator of all things and the human man dead on a cross for me are placed smack bang in the middle

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"

1 comment:

  1. ive been thinking about this too!
    and i love the way you word things sopey! :)

