Tuesday 15 March 2011

the church

the church, as whole...is a beautiful thing...but it is not designed to be pretty....

sian and i once had a chat about church, and one of the things that annoys her about it is that people give their testimony about how they were this broken, messed up person..and then they met Jesus and he radically changed their lives and now they are happy-go-lucky people...they miss out the part where they still struggle, still hurt and are farrrrrr from perfect..

the church should be a place where people can be honest when they are struggling..because that is true intmacy with Christ and true community..

The chruch tries so hard to be pretty and attractive, particularly to the world..we should be offensive to the world..we are not pretty, we are not perfect and we should not pretend to be. we make christianity plastic when we try to pretend that we have everything sorted..

we should not need to pretend in church...but we do.

The well do not need a doctor.

when things go wrong, that aren't in our plan, when we feel hurt..and we want to blame God, and feel like we are being punished, we are wrong. strife is God trying to draw us closer to him...i keep trying to put my trust in people because its easier than trusting God, and when i do this...those people hurt me..and thats Gods mercy. he is showing me that i can only trust in him..he will protect my heart so that i can trust people in a healthy way..God can't punish us...because Jesus was punished for us...

let me tell you about Jesus....he chose to die a horrific death..he could have come to earth as a man today...when his claims of blasphemy would not have been taken seriously, no one would care if a workmans son, claimed that he was king, no one would have thought it treason..people would have believed his signs and wonders but put them down to extreme brain training, the next derren brown..but he came when his outbursts where most offensive to as many people, the means of punishment was most cruel and the people more bloodthirsty, he lived 33 years...he could have waited till he was 50, married, had kids...lived a happy life, made the whole dying for the sins of all humanity worth his wile..but he gave it all..choose to..he was arrested illegally but made no plea, he was passed from judge to jury as people tried their best to have him killed, whilst he pointed out their illegality but made no move to correct it..and he hung from a tree..and took the punishment...he took the shame of the peadophile, the jealousy of the barren wife, the anger of the rapist, the mutiny of the murderer, the greed in the wealthy, the hatred of siblings and the gluttony of the obese...and he bled. a theif, hanging on a cross next to him, watched the light fade from his eyes, blood drain from his body, and his lungs slowly fill with liquid and saw a saviour..he spent three days seperated from his father..in intolerable pain..in a lake of burning fire where he was more alone than is comprhensible..so that you, would not have to go through it.so when you ask, if i get drunk, if i commit suicide, if i lie will i get into heaven..yes, you probably will if you've made an honest commitment, but if you've made an honest commitment..why do you disgrace him?heaven is not the prize, Jesus is...so if we love him...why do we make his agony worse when he hung on the cross?why don't we love him enough that we dont want to do these things?breaks my heart..and i hope it never stops breaking my heartt..

i like this song alot.....and i love my mum.

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