Sunday 27 March 2011

here's to honesty

honesty is dead.
i am ok. i understand. we are ok.
really?cause sometimes i'm not ok. sometimes i'm on top of the world..i hurt peoples feelings. and when i wear pumps without socks my feet smell. and i need second chances, frequnetly i need third and fourth chances. Criticisms in love make compliments all the sweeter..Awkward is awful. Awkward is honest. telling people how you feel. telling people why you feel how you feel. honest is uncomfortable. how can i speak up when something is misleading confusing frustrating, how can i explain when your words do not match your actions? honesty without condemnation.we have to tell people when they mean too much to us and we're scared...i love you...Jesus loves requires honesty..well community requires Jesus..but he is truth..then you will know the truth...and the truth will set you free...i need truth, i need your honesty with me and i need second chances.
here's to honesty

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