Friday 4 March 2011


started reading another of Francis Chan's books, Forgotten God...its about the Holy Spirit and how so often we ignore it...

I'm just reading about following God's plan for our life, and its pretty relevant for me because i'm questioning quite alot what to do with myself..Chan explains how so often we miss God's plan for today, by questioning the future..we should be ready to follow the Holy Spirits guidance for this very second and worry about the future when it comes to it..

then he talks about David in 2 Samuel 6:14, 20-23
"David, wearing a linen ephod danced before the Lord with all his mightt.."
a linen priestly underwear! David was so unhindered by the Holy Spirit in his worship of the Lord that he danced about in his knicks...with alll his might!hahaa..i love this so muchh..he didn't care one bit what anyone thought about him, and he is challenged on it..Michal, Saul's daughter calls him a "vulgar fellow" that he has disgraced himself in the eyes of God and his people...but David replies "It was before the Lord who chose me, rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord's people Israel - I will celebrate before the Lord, I will become even more undignified than this, and i will be humiliated in my own eyess.."  AMEN

some other new thingss...Ashleyyyy changed my fb password so that i cannot get if anyone wants to contact mee..for this week at least eitherr skypee sophie-lennon orrr my email is ...i felt the need to constantly check it...initially i challenged myself that i had to spend the same amount of time on fb as with Jesus but i realised it wasn't the fact that i was spending a whole lot of time on it, i would just reply to comments and messages and sign out...but i just wanted to check it all the time..not i'm fasting off that for a little bitt...Also took my nose ring outt..had kind of been thinking about taking it out for a little bit..felt like it and the shaved head where as close as i could get to writing f**k off on my forehead, at the time, thats what i wanted to do..but thats not who i am took it out as we spent a fair amount of time with the Amish people this week, particularly Tina's family and not that i think they would care a whole lot but just out of i took it out :)

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