Sunday 20 March 2011

no chains on me

was going to write this last night when we got home from the gig but didn't think blogging at 3am after alot of energy drink would be wisee..

last night was soo good, so proud of the rend boys, the lads from the ministry said they wished rend had just played all nightt..they loved it!was just lovely to see them and have a good proud of them all :)

learnt some things too..
umm the chris tomlin songg.."no chains on me, my heart's set freee.." and also the rend song "you put on our chainss, sent us out through the open doorr.."
the chains of this world, the things that are held in high regard, will have no value in eternity..i have been chasing after things that don't matter..i just realised that Jesus really is the prizee..i don't think that i fully get it, and i hope that i will continue to get it a bit moree through my life but i just want Jesus..My life is not my own, nothing i have is mine it is all a gift..i just want what Jesus wantss..i dont want my life if i have to control it...cause it will just end up as crap..worthless in eternity

Jesus will ask things of me but i will not have to do it alone..when Jesus fed the 5,000, he asked Philip and Andrew initially how they were going to feed all of the people..and they panicked, tried to find a way to do it themselves, they never once considered asking Jesus for help..then i woke up and all i could think of was Romans6v8..i didnt know what the verse was so i looked it upp.." if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.... "
its a struggle to fight what i want sometimess..but i just know that what i want will never be right, will never be good for mee..
"my chains are goneee..i've been set God, my saviour has ransomned me...and like a flood his mercy reigns..unending lovee..amazing graceee.."

its a choicee..earthly happiness for 80yearss...or eternal joy with Jesus...

God has done so much for me..taken away what distracted my heart from him..and given me people who grow me in his will..

had some funny would you rathers with Josh and Ashley on the way personal fav...would you rather fight a horse sized duck, or ten duck sized horses and you don't have any weapons?

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