Friday 18 March 2011

livin the dream

this weekk...i made a bucket list for my last 4 weeks in Americaaa...

hang out with Tina's Grandma...(more than once) 
meet Jill's grandparenttss..
hang out with Ashley's familyy...done this one already :)
get a tattoo..wooo
go for a really long walk...(doing this today hopefully)
have a photograph dayy..
Eat at Cracker Barrel/Bob Evans/Ihop...
See Beastly...
Have a fire nighttt..
Go see the puppies againn...
Sit on the deckchairs outside Troyer Furnituree...

so i will keep you posteddd..hopefully with some photographic evidenceee..

so yea hung out with ashleys fam this week which was just lovely :) i love meeting peoples familiesss..

Had some lads from Chicago hanging out with us this week which was nothing but hilariousss.laughed so freaking muchhh...

going to see the rend boyos tomorrow night in will be nice to see some familiar facess..and roadtripp..woo..

got a wee letter this week in the posst from Natasha, and had some emailss which have been so encouragingg...that not only God is working here but in preparing peoples i really dont need to be afraid of judgement :) thanks soo much for supportt

and skyped the loves of my life this week in Leedss..made me reallyy wish i was theree hanging out..danielles hair has got so long and im jealous..ahaa..but it was goodd..i love them a whollleeeee lotttt :)

its sooo warm here today its lovelyyyyy, the doors open can hear the wee birds chirpinggg..Nana and Kelly have gone away for the night which is sad..i miss theemmm..the house is awfully quiet without Tinnanananaaa...but me and jill are having cuddle time...NATT cause she hates physical contact apart from 3 strokes as a sign of affection...ha

Mark5v41 "...He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum" (which means "little girl, i say to you get up")..." this is what i'm getting for my tattoo..just Talitha koum... :)

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