Monday 28 March 2011

all i'm asking for is a little respect....

feel very blessed currently..sitting with a peanut butter and chocolate chip pancake..with the sun shining outside (although its freezing, i can pretend) and the birds chirping..its been a really awesome week...

thought that i hadn't really learnt alot but then in my little time in the cafe this morning i realised that i def havee..soo i shall fill you inn..

Cause on sunday we have so much teaching, sunday school, church, awe service and service at New Grounds i just kinda write it all down and then on monday morning i read over it all again properly..and its funny, when i do that my eye normally catches something else in the bible thats really like this week i posted about how i didn't have any regrets and then i was kind of wondering if that was a biblical not regret stuff..and i was just about to start reading 2Corinthians8 and 9 cause thats what Don talked about on Sunday nightt..and i felt like i should act start reading at i did..low and behold i stumble upon this little beautyy..v10  "..Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret..." so that made me pretty happyyy..

Also been on this major rant about how the things of this earth will have no importance in eternity, that Jesus is the prize and should be first in our hearts...and then spied Matthew 6 this morning when i was reading something else entirely..v19-21"...Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.... " there are soo many layers to thiss..and me jill and tina had a good longggg chat about it todayy...northern irish particular...are awfulll at putting so much value on relationshipss..they become our identity and the 'prizee..'..its not good, not God and will have no meaning in heaven!!Everything we have on earth is a gift..that can be given or taken away whenever God pleases...things in heaven are our treasure...for all eternity..if our heart is for money or relationships or popularity or friends...then its not for Jesus....and its not good enough...i keep kinda getting it...then forgetting it..then getting it...its strange..but i just want people to understand and i want to understand that Jesus must come first...relationships are not medals...and our treasure is in

starting to get really scared about coming homee..soo thankful ill have don, trav and Beki there for the first wee whilleee..hmm..and Jesus..ha..

learning alot about humility too..

ashley leaves on friday for Guatamala :(

Did loaddss of stuff on my bucket list this weekend...went to see Beastly at the cinema in Canton..which was lovelyy...def go see..and went to cracker barrel for lunch..then hung out with Jills cutee...and took some photos..tomorrow going to have a proper photo day cause biblical training is cancelled in the morninggg..

tomorrow i also have to record my re-write on 1 Corinthians 13...awwwghhhhh.....i had to record the voice bit of it last weeek..into like this professional mic..scariest thing tomorrow doing the actual filming so it should be interestinggg..nervous thoughh!

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age...." Matt28v20

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