Friday 28 October 2011

i dont want to ever feel like i did that day

i am learning to hold on to joy
learning to find it in all situations
no matter how small or how big
as a christian, i am not immune to anger or sadness
but i have to keep them in perspective..
the earthly versus the eternal
and the eternal is what will always bring me joy
no matter how heavy the burden or how far the road
there is joy in knowing that i am not alone
and never will be
there is joy in the simple things,
like when i feel so buried under a mountain of work,
there is chocolate cake and a study break and some Jesus time
i am so blessed and i sometimes lose sight of that
i like the sad songs on the radio
and putting ps i love you on when i need a cry
and i do not ever want to feel the way i felt that day
but there is nothing better than laughing
and knowing that there is someone enjoying watching me laughing

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