Sunday 16 October 2011

I was trying to describe you to someone
I said you are like breathing
You are like turning the light on when you’ve been sitting in the dark, and maybe you had gotten quite accustomed to the dark, you could see a little and you were comfortable there..but you turn the light on cause you cant find something and it makes your pupils contract and your temples squeeze your brain a bit and it takes a while to get used to it…but you do..and you wonder why you ever turned the light off in the first place..
But we always want the light off sometimes 
we don’t want to see
But your are the light make us see the good, the bad and the ugly and the grace
you are finding me when I am feeling lost and tired and show me how much you love me and then you ask…’why are you lost and tired?’
you are like drinking a cold chocolate milkshake
you are like being in the Fermanagh countryside near my granda’s farm where theres this tiny house that he made on top of a small hill and I could have sat there for a long time and just listened to nothing..
you are like the sound of a piano
you’re my best friend
you make me want to smile at strangers
you are constant
you broke my heart and I couldn’t be more thankful, and people say ‘that’s a funny thing, to be glad of a broken heart’
but I say I am glad
a heart that is not broken is not necessarily a heart that is happy
you found me at the low times and sat with me there
at the bottom of the sea
and you didn’t make me move or try to fix me
you put your bum on the sand next to mine and sifted rocks through your fingers and met my eye and said ‘I know.’
You are like when you put your dinner in the microwave and leave your fork on by accident and its like a mini lightning
You make me terrified of the future and then sternly tell me that it isn’t up to me so I can be terrified if I want but it wont do anyone any good and actually it will probably do me harm because how can I possibly enjoy what you have for my life if I’m scared.
You are that thing that I want sometimes more than anything in the world..and when there are things that I want more than you, I want to want you more
I know that I need you more than I need to be popular and when I forget you remind me
you are endless
you are like fallin in love with someone who you know will control and dictate the rest of your life and you know that’s completely ok even though your best friend wont like it and its that sickening relationship that you don’t want to do anything unless the other person wants to
I would say you are like getting up super early to watch the sunrise but that’s such a cliché and everyone says it
But you are though…like watching a sunrise super early
And sunset too
And watching the stars but that’s defiantly a cliché…
Its just that there are so many of them and its pretty hard not to look at the stars and marvel at how entirely vast you are and then feel entirely humbled that you chose me
Your like having a plan for after you die
Your secure like a vault at the Bellagio..only George Clooney and Brad Pitt couldn’t even break into cause your that secure
You are jealous
You are very good at making me miss you
You are like creativity
You are like this part at the end of Mulan, after she’s been found out in the army as a girl pretending to be a man and she should have been killed for her deception, but she saved the life of the generals son so he just leaves her in the mountain and cause she’s disgraced her family, she is outcast from society for bringing dishonour…but then she knows Shan Yu and the Huns are going to attack the Emporer so she tries to tell people but no one will listen to her, apart from her three friends…she kills Shan Yu with fireworks and in the end she has to stand in front of the Emperor and he starts to lecture her on the wrong things she has done, but then, the Emperor of China accepts her..and bows to Mulan..….you’re like that

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